Friday 11 May 2007


Janine Antoni: Chocolate Gnaw

This chocolate sculpture was made by the artist using her teeth to gnaw (explicit in the title).

Using her body as the tool to make the sculpture is a concept. It takes the making of sculpture and the physical interaction to a whole new delicious realm.

Janine Antoni: Loving Care 1992

In this image the artist is using her body to create a sculpture - her body has become the tool. In this case the artist's interaction has become part of the art - it's a performance.

This is an example of the physical interaction of making taken to the extreme where the artist seems to have immersed her whole being.

This image depicts a small child making a cake. I put this image on because I think the urge to make is innate within all of us from a very young age. I was at my friends house a couple of years ago, when her son George was aged about 3. Like all 3 year olds George was usually very lively. I remember on this particular occasion being stopped in my tracks when I saw him propped up on a high stall chopping the ingredients for supper - I had never seen him so SILENT and focused - he was completely immersed and loving it!!

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