Wednesday, 9 May 2007


Everyday materials can be given new meaning when put into a new context. A new space for these materials can be created when used to make a sculpture - the mundane materials are given new life they become a new and unique entity. Suddenly an old box or a screw has prescence and becomes interesting - thought provoking, as opposed to mundane. Seeing something familiar (that we don't normally take much notice of), but in a brand new way - this is exciting. Contrasting materials that are not usually seen together, thus creating a new context / narrative creates tension and interest.

Bill Woodrow: Twin Tub with Beaver (1981)

In this image a Twin Tub washing machine has been used to create a sculpture. So the material here is domestic washing machine - a functional object. In this sculpture the machine is still being used as a washing machine, but some kind of narrative has been set up - a story. What's going on? What is that Beaver doing?
What's the story? Again, what appeals to me in this sculpture, is that a domestic appliance has been used as a material for sculpture. I like the way it's been used in conjunction with the beaver. It's still being used as a washing machine but it's been given new meaning because in my mind it's become part of narrative - something is happening with the Beaver and the washing machine. And of course I like this image because to me it has a playful element to it, if not bizarre.

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